Saturday, February 2, 2008


Well, here I am in Paris. I have been here for a while and I definitely into a Parisian life style these days. I wake up around 8:00 am, get to class at 9:00 am and spend the day in school until 13:00. I go to a program called The Accord Ecole de Langues which is full of international students.
There are a lot of kids my age and we all hang out a lot together. Kids are always coming into and out of the school but a few of us are here for a while. My group of friends is pretty diverse. The leader is a kid named Gareth who is British Swiss, he knows how to speak English, German, Swiss German, and is learning french, then there is Julio, the only mexican kid at the school, the brazilians, the spaniards, the columbians, and the argentine Francisco, and the germans. Everyday when school gets out we usually go out in a group of about ten kids to get lunch, and make plans for the night, or see if anyone wants to do something for the afternoon. The guys like to player poker and drink, and the girls like to go out to clubs in general, so we usually meet up at an apartment, hang out, play some poker, and figure out if we want to go somewhere from there. It's a lot fun, and cool to have friends from all over. It's weird though, because between all of the foreigners usually speak this weird dialect of British English that they learned in their home countries and I am starting to get a really weird accent, vocabulary, and sense of grammar. So if I write some really dumb things in this blog just realize it's because I am losing my english.
Other than that, I have a few french friends. One of them is this girl Charlotte who lives in the neighborhood and is a total bad ass. She has an attitude and she talks a lot of shit, but she is really nice at the same time. She has been showing me around and introducing me to people in the neighborhood which has been really cool. Her boyfriend goes to school in England and she really wants to transfer to a school in England, but she doesn't speak english. I get the best practice out of my french because I have to use everything I learned in school when I hang out with her just to be able to communicate what so ever. She doesn't hesitate to make fun of me when I fuck up either.
The first time Charlotte and I went out with her friends we went to this club "Nouveau Casino" which I have actually read about online before as being a pretty nice venue. It ended up being one of the weirdest experiences of my life. The venue reminded me of some underground rave in San Francisco and the music was the kind of techno/reggae hybrid that they use in the montages on "Da Ali G" show, and most of the guys were dressed just like Ali G. Sooo bizarre. I don't even know where to start with details, but aggressive white french pseudo ghetto guys dancing with their fingers cocked like guns to a dj yelling in a french accent, "NEW YORK SKATEBOARD SUPREME CINQ BORROWS!". I love how American Culture gets imitated in Europe and comes out all twisted and distorted like a cultural game of telephone. Outside of the club I saw a fixed gear rider, and that was a trip. He had deep v's, sugino 75 cranks, and all of the parts of the SF norm. He was totally nuts though, and he started whooping his drunk friend's ass for no reason, holding him up against the wall and punching him in the balls over and over, he even gave him a bloody nose. I am glad I didn't try to talk to him about bikes or say something stupid. He probably would have loved to fuck with an American kid.
Anyways, tomorrow I am excited because I am skipping class to go on a tour of the dior offices and see how they market/design their perfume/make-up/skin-care products.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Market

The Market, originally uploaded by meta-.

checking out flickr.